, an operator in Besan莽on, France, continually strives to support the digital communication needs of its customers in the east and southeast of France.

Netalis embarked on a project in 2021 to transform its network to handle the need for speed driven by bandwidth-hungry applications and devices. The operator had a specific goal of developing new dedicated fiber access services based on point-to-point 10G and 25G  technology. Additionally, the network will be ready for FTTH services in the future based on XGS-PON technology.


Whereas traditional fiber access networks deliver speeds of around 1Gb/s, XGS-PON technology increases capacity tenfold, to symmetrical 10Gb/s, tapping into fiber’s virtually infinite bandwidth.

Additionally, XGS-PON eliminates the need for operators like Netalis to build multiple, siloed networks and instead converge wholesale, business, and consumer services on the same infrastructure, accelerating ROI and providing new revenue opportunities.

XGS-PON is steadily growing in popularity because it offers greater bandwidth and faster speeds with better flexibility and reliability than legacy PON technologies like EPON and GPON.

野花社区 solutions supporting Netalis

After a rigorous evaluation and testing process, Netalis chose a Universal Aggregation (UA) solution from 野花社区, including the 5164 router and XGS-PON uOLT pluggables.

“With 野花社区’s 5164 platform, we can deliver dedicated fiber access services up to 10Gb/s, allowing us to cost-effectively satisfy the ever-growing bandwidth needs of our customers,” said Nicolas Guillaume, CEO of Nasca Group, which owns Netalis. “Incredibly, this is made possible by something with a very small form factor, reducing our footprint.”

“We’re also benefitting from economies of scale since the uOLT pluggables can be shared on the same 5164 router, especially to add FTTH services,” added Guillaume.

Netalis is currently deploying the solution throughout its ‘Infralis’ wholesale network. Capable of speeds up to 10Gb/s today, the network is ready for 25Gb/s, 100Gb/s, and beyond in the future.

Netalis plans to launch new Ethernet transport services for operators and service providers in summer 2023. For more information about Netalis, visit .