If you are open to it, let’s expand our thinking with regards to selecting coherent routing platforms by playing a simple game of what if.

What if you could select a single flexible routing platform and use it to serve legacy, as well as the new traffic flows created by the next-generation of metro and edge use cases - 5G xHaul, cloud, and broadband - all from a single platform?

Sound good? We’ve got that!

What if in addition to supporting multiple use cases with new traffic patterns, you could also take advantage of the platform's advanced disaggregated system architecture to deploy an optimized data plane with Adaptive IP™ routing protocols such as Segment Routing and EVPN to remove complexity and prepare your network for automation?

Pretty Cool? We agree!

What if the same routing platform also supported further disaggregation and provided built-in system interfaces for automation with the ability to use NETCONF/YANG to configure every function and gain access to telemetry data via gNMI across network layers to a central orchestration/automation server?

Table stakes?  It is for us!

What if a platform supported a purpose-built router with an advanced system architecture, could also support IP and Optical convergence and take advantage of advanced 100/200/400G coherent optics all in in a compact 1-2RU footprint to advance towards an ecosystem that will support converged IP/Optical infrastructure?

Super cool? Ò°»¨ÉçÇø’s coherent routing platforms do just that!

And finally,

What if this purpose-built coherent routing platform with a modern disaggregated IP operating system successfully demonstrated interoperability with other vendors in a public demonstration to help accelerate the awareness of the growing ecosystem supporting 400ZR.

Wow, now we are really getting somewhere!

As illustrated by playing a simple game of what if, we have exposed how network and system architectures are evolving at the same time. For this reason alone, selecting a coherent routing platform with confidence to support your next-generation metro and edge networks can get complicated very quickly.

Network and system architectures changing at the same time​

How do we build our network?

Playing a game of what if might seem a little silly, but it shows at a minimum, it is essential to run through multiple scenarios to grasp the implications of moving towards converged IP and Optical networking. Seeking out a trusted advisor who understands the ins and outs of architecture evolution and is willing to jump into the multi-vendor interoperability arena to build confidence is key - seeing is believing.

If you are in the process of selecting a purpose-built coherent routing platform with advanced network and system capabilities to support next-generation metro and use cases – let's talk.

Yes, now we are really getting somewhere and Ò°»¨ÉçÇø has the robust Routing and Switching portfolio to get you there!

Highlights of Ò°»¨ÉçÇø’s Routing and Switching Portfolio Activities from OFC 2022

Demo OIF Members Demonstrate Interoperability 

In an at OFC Ò°»¨ÉçÇø’s 5166 router participated with other members in several demos including 400ZR and Flex Ethernet (FlexE) to demonstrate multi-vendor interoperability.

400ZR Demo

The 400ZR demo participants were from multiple vendors and highlighted the robustness of the 400ZR ecosystem to support metro Data Center Interconnect at 400Gb/s. Ò°»¨ÉçÇø's 400ZR-optimized photonic line system, router and 400ZR coherent pluggables were included in the test. Ò°»¨ÉçÇø’s 5166 router hosted both Ò°»¨ÉçÇø WaveLogic 5 Nano as well as third-party 400ZR QSFP-DD transceivers. Ò°»¨ÉçÇø’s WaveLogic 5 Nano 400ZR transceivers were also housed in third-party router platforms and demonstrated interoperability with other 400ZR vendor transceivers.

Illustration of OIF 400ZR Demo at OFC

OIF 400ZR Demo

This first-time demonstration of this technology combination was exciting and for sure is a confidence boost for coherent routing, 400ZR coherent pluggables and optimized photonic line systems. At the same time, it is only the beginning, as we move towards the end game of unleashing the power of multi-layer domain control with coordination between L0-L3 independent of choice of transponder or coherent plug with a single controller to manage all the wavelengths, including the pluggables.

Successful providers will align technology selection, desired operational environment, and cost to achieve their optimal converged evolution approach. There is no ‘one-size-fits-all' approach to IP and Optical Convergence.

FlexE Demo

The FlexE demo participants included the Ò°»¨ÉçÇø 5166 router, optics vendors and FlexE test set vendors. Ò°»¨ÉçÇø 5166, the lone routing participant, played the role of xHaul router to demonstrate FlexE.

Test sets provided traffic mapping from standard 10GbE and 25GbE client traffic and connect at 100GbE to a Ò°»¨ÉçÇø 5166. Ò°»¨ÉçÇø 5166 routers provided 100G optical interconnect for transport and channelization of standard and non-standard Ethernet rates with a service isolate granularity of 5Gb/s while test sets provided end-to-end BERT features to demonstrate error and alarm monitoring.

As the industry drives towards converged xHaul transport networks and next-generation 5G use cases, customers can select the Ò°»¨ÉçÇø 5166 with 400ZR and utilize its FlexE capabilities to satisfy their hard network slicing needs. Providers can select this platform with increased confidence knowing the 5166 participated in this demonstration.

OIF FlexE Demo at OFC

OIF FlexE Demo

Ò°»¨ÉçÇø 5166 benefits include: Service agnostic hard slicing with service separation, low latency, and jitter, as well as standard and non-standard Ethernet with 5GbE FlexE granularity.

Ò°»¨ÉçÇø Routing and Switching Use Cases

Ò°»¨ÉçÇø Routing and Switching Portfolio at OFC

1. Coherent Aggregation Router for DWDM Closer to the Edge
Showcased Ò°»¨ÉçÇø's 5166, 8114 and WaveLogic 5 Nano 400ZR with Ò°»¨ÉçÇø’s access optimized line system Coherent ELS,and how you can bring coherent DWDM closer to the edge while at the same time providing high-capacity coherent routing, coherent aggregation routing and an optimized 400G open line system.

2. Industry-first Coherent 100G NID – 100G Everywhere
The Ò°»¨ÉçÇø 5132 is the ultimate access device, as a 100G coherent Network Interface Device (NID) – with support for WaveLogic 5 Nano – in a variety of business and wholesale environments, placing the network where you need it. Offering service isolation via Flex-E, 100GE service delivery to synchronized environments and rapid and secure service turnup with Secure Zero-Touch Provisioning (SZTP). This demo setup was Carrier Ethernet, IP Routing SR-MPLS and SRv6 ready.

3. Weatherized 10G PON & 5G Cell Site Router (CSR) on a Pole
Showcased the Ò°»¨ÉçÇø 5131 delivering 10G PON and 5G CSR functionality with broadband capabilities on a pole. This ruggedized, weatherproof design will reduce deployment and infrastructure costs and accelerate service turn-up as providers look to expand in the most challenging outdoor and uncontrolled environments. It provides advanced synchronization, built in GNSS, service isolation via FlexE, IP routing, SR-MPLS, Carrier Ethernet and is SRv6 ready.

4. Weatherized FlexEthernet
Showcased Ò°»¨ÉçÇø 5131 to deliver 10GbE in 100G FlexE channel. Ò°»¨ÉçÇø’s 5131 ruggedized, weatherproof design reduces deployment and infrastructure costs and accelerates service turn-up as providers look to expand in the most challenging outdoor and uncontrolled environments. In addition, FlexE is service agnostic, offers standard and non-standard Ethernet with the granularity of 5GbE per channel, service isolation and low latency and jitter.