Whether it’s the ramp-up of 5G, the move to 800G optical, the explosion of open software-based networking, or the emergence of AI, keeping yourself up to date on trends and news in the telecom industry has never been more crucial.

To help make it a little easier, we’ve created this list of telecom media and analyst influencers who keep their Twitter followers informed with the latest industry news, their own insight and opinions, and updates from some of the telecom industry’s biggest tradeshows and events.

Take a look and let us know what you think. Did we miss anyone? Let us know in the comments area below.


Andy Hicks  
Analyst at GlobalData

Andrew Schmitt  
Founder of Cignal AI

Brad Casemore  
Vice President of Research at IDC

Courtney Munroe  
Analyst at IDC

Craig Matsumoto  
Senior Analyst at 451 Research

Dana Cooperson  
Analyst at Analysys Mason

Dan Meyer    
Editor-in-Chief at SDxCentral

Dean Bubley  
Telecom and 5G Futurist and founder of Disruptive Analysis

Elaina Stergiades  
Research Manager at IDC

Eric Hanselman  
Lead Analyst at 451 Research

Gabriel Brown  
Analyst at Heavy Reading

Ghassan Abdo  
Vice President of Research at IDC

Jeff Heynen  
Research Director at Dell’Oro Group

Jeff Mucci    
CEO & Editorial Director at RCR Wireless News

John Shepler  
Owner, Writer, and Publisher at Telexplainer

Lee Doyle  
Principal Analyst at Doyle Research

Mike Robuck  
Editor at Fierce Telecom

Mike Sapien  
Vice President and Chief Analyst at Ovum

Pauline Rigby  
Consultant at Light Counting

Phil Harvey  
US Bureau Chief at Light Reading

Rajesh Ghai  
Analyst at IDC

Ray Le Maistre  
Editor-in-Chief at Light Reading

Ray Mota  
Analyst at ACG Research

Rich Tehrani  

Rob Powell  
Software Engineer/ Telecom Blogger at Telecom Ramblings

Scott Raynovich  
Principal Analyst at Futuriom

Scott Wilkinson  
Analyst at Cignal AI

Sean Kerner  
Senior Editor at InternetNews.com

Teresa Mastrangelo  
Analyst at Broadbandtrends

Zeus Kerravala  
Analyst at ZK Research