The kids are back in school. The mornings have the crisp feel of Fall. It's true, summer is over. But that doesn't mean you can't relive summer camp.  Carrier Ethernet Summer Camp that is.

That's because we have posted all four sessions from our 2016 Carrier Ethernet Summer Camp to our YouTube channel.  Our experts John Hawkins, Brian Lavall茅e and Bashar Abdullah covered topics that ranged from Power over Ethernet to Packet Synchronization to CPE and TDM-to-Packet migration.

All of these discussions are now available on YouTube, including lively Q&A sessions at the end of each session.  Click on each session below, or you can .

And if all this Carrier Ethernet Summer Camp goodness isn't enough for you, remember that we also have our , an in-depth, 64-page look at the history of CE, the evolution of Ethernet into a robust and scalable solution for large networks, and use cases that help define where and when to implement CE solutions.

We’ve got the Power (over Ethernet)!
Expert: Brian Lavall茅e and John Hawkins

No need to unplug at this campsite. This session shares the secrets of Power over Ethernet (PoE), and the benefits and challenges related to PoE applications.

Sync or Swim: Getting Packets in Sync
Expert: Bashar Abdullah and John Hawkins

Whether end-user, man, or machine, a quality experience requires reliable and precise network timing. Watch this session to learn the latest thinking in synchronization, standards, and best practices.

Trailblazing Legacy Services over Packet Networks
Expert: John Hawkins

Supporting legacy services has its business and technology challenges. Don’t get lost in the woods! This session explores circuit emulation technologies and strategies for migrating TDM to packet.

Customer Premises Equipment: Small (and Smart) Is Beautiful
Expert: John Hawkins

Just as the matchbook replaced flint for starting a campfire, smart CPE can revolutionize enterprise application distribution. But migrating to a software-defined networking model can be challenging. This session reviews the business case for virtual network functions along with implementation best practices.