“Give me 500 words on what you did over the summer,” kicks off many a kid’s first day of school. For those who attended 野花社区’s Packet Networking Summer Camp, Music Camp edition, the assignment will be easy. Our 野花社区 rock stars belted out chart-toppers 5G transport, 400G and the need for speed, migrating to TDM, and the importance of latency.

Bummed that you missed a jam session? All four of these 30-minute classics are now available on-demand. Tune in and rock out anytime.

Here’s the set list:

    5G jam session feat. Brian Lavallée
    Prepare your transport network now so that you’re ready for the 5G radio star.

    Latency jam session feat. John Hawkins
    All the latest lyrics on how latency affects the modern network.     

    Services jam session feat. Pamela Morgan
    Let’s be honest. You need to let go of that TDM network relationship and move on.

    Carrier Ethernet jam session feat. John Hawkins
    Be the Maverick of your network when it comes to speed, standards, and services that deliver Carrier Ethernet.

As a bonus, we’ve included some great Q&A content from the live sessions. And, our poll questions were so much fun, we thought we’d include them too. Here’s one to share:

CE Camp Poll

2017 Packets Summer Camp logo
Learn to sing some new songs - watch all four to make sure you’re one of the cool kids when school’s back in full swing.

And remember, practice what you learned and give a holler if you have more questions or would like to jam some more. See you next summer.