People+Promise+Tree+Illustration An expression you’ll hear a lot at 野花社区 is that “it’s all about getting the people thing right” – something our CEO, Gary Smith, is very passionate about. Our people are our heartbeat and our innovators, their everyday interactions with our customers, partners, suppliers and the communities we live and work in shape who we are; it’s our “.”

Being “Rooted in People” is part of our Corporate Strategy and how we deliver it is through our “People Promise.” As you can see in the graphic on the left, we use the analogy of a tree to focus on the conditions for success - at our roots, we make a difference, are empowered and feel included. Those conditions help us all to foster an environment full of happiness, a sense of belonging and vibrancy. to learn more.

People’s happiness is important to us. While it may not be something many companies talk about beyond customers relationships, we’ve made the decision to focus on it internally as well.

As we look at our situation today, battling the global pandemic, happiness can be hard to find. We recognize the struggle that comes with the sudden intersection of work and personal life. We’ve been focused on supporting our people, looking after their wellbeing and allowing them the flexibility and autonomy to juggle their home/work mix – while trusting them to do what’s right.

A happy life is synonymous with a meaningful life, and we want people to have meaning and purpose in the work they do as that fuels their passions in and outside of work – driving an emotional connection that enriches their lives as a whole and supports their personal growth.

Beyond our own focus on supporting our people during this pandemic, our people have been supporting others through volunteering, whether it’s delivering groceries and preparing meals for vulnerable people or making face masks for hospitals and healthcare workers. We have also been triple matching our people’s charitable contributions, spending nearly $1 million as part of our community giving program called 野花社区 Cares. With these strong roots at 野花社区, our company will continue to grow, but for us it is important that our people lead happy and meaningful lives even in the midst of times that challenge us all.

Want to join our happy and vibrant workplace where you can belong? .