In legacy broadband deployments, network operators had different network management systems for different network layers, putting them at a crossroads to compromise between quality and operational cost. In this deep dive, Ò°»¨ÉçÇø’s Vinicius Santos explains how Ò°»¨ÉçÇø’s Navigator Network Control Suite provides a better way of managing and scaling broadband services, without compromises.

In the past, purpose-built broadband networks were static and rigid by nature. Burstable best-effort applications dominated the Internet and bandwidth congestion problems were addressed mainly by provisioning excess capacity at aggregation points or by allowing high contention rates. Service providers’ activities were much more focused on delivering access, activating customers, or solving physical problems. It was not simple or easy, but with a limited, predictable ecosystem of consumer applications, and customers whose lives were not yet overly dependent on connectivity, providers’ primary concerns were securing new customers while keeping the network up and running.

So much has changed in the past 30 years.

With broadband connectivity now a critical part of our society, the applications ecosystem has grown from a few categories to thousands, supporting diverse use cases varying from GenAI-powered apps, cloud gaming, streaming, work-from-home productivity tools, and immersive experiences. These new market dynamics require unprecedented operational agility with increased adaptability and coordination of all network components involved in providing broadband services.

Siloed operations force network operators to compromise between customer quality of experience (QoE) and operational expenditures

In traditional broadband implementations, network operators had different network management systems (NMS) for different network layers (optical, Ethernet, and IP) and relied on slow and error-prone manual processes to coordinate workflows across them. This did not represent a significant challenge at the time because the middle-mile or aggregation network, composed of optical and IP elements, was static and did not require frequent reconfiguration to guarantee broadband services were delivered as customers expected. Most of the action happened in the access network and was supported by a very specialized NMS with limited scope. However, as application demands became increasingly dynamic and customer expectations soared, the legacy NMS approach put network operators at a crossroads: either increase the size of their operational team to cope with this new environment, negatively impacting operational expenditures with no guarantee of success, or offer a subpar customer QoE, risking churn. The legacy siloed operational approach forces customers to compromise between quality and operational cost.

Legacy siloed NMS approach

Figure 1: Legacy siloed NMS approach

At first glance, this may look like a problem only for larger service providers serving customers in densely populated urban areas; however, this is not the case. Working from home is allowing people to move to rural areas, and everybody, independent of where they live, wants to watch their favorite sporting event or TV show with the best possible quality!

QoE will differentiate service providers, so adequately planning the network to support existing and future application demands is paramount for operators of all sizes and regions. The quality of broadband connectivity has a major influence on the overall socioeconomic development of suburban and rural communities. It also has a direct impact on service providers’ financial viability.

Ò°»¨ÉçÇø’s Navigator Network Control Suite: A better way of delivering broadband service

New applications demand more capacity and better network performance. Service providers of all kinds realize that centralizing network intelligence in the core, and continually adding capacity to the middle-mile and access networks, is not only economically unsustainable, it also does not solve the problem!

There are better options.

Moving IP closer to the access network by integrating pluggable Optical Line Terminals (uOLT) in IP routers, and adopting a disaggregated and virtualized Broadband Network Gateway (vBNG), allows the user plane to be deployed at the network edge to enable operators to implement local breakouts. This simplifies the adoption of edge cloud and caching capabilities to reduce the stress on the middle-mile and drastically improving the cloud applications' performance. Middle-mile networks have also evolved to support IP and optical convergence to increase network flexibility with the ability to adapt to different application demands via distributed peering.

You can get this with Ò°»¨ÉçÇø's Residential Broadband solution.

This new architectural approach multiplies the number of IP nodes and requires multi-layer coordination, so it is also vital to create a broadband infrastructure that is both sustainable and future-proof. Cost-efficient management of the broadband access, middle-mile, and core network components including Passive Optical Network (PON), IP, and optical layers simply cannot be achieved with a legacy siloed NMS approach. Rather, it demands a modern network controller with end-to-end visibility of the broadband network providing a single point of software control for infrastructure, services and subscriber management. This simplifies operations and scalability, and enables optimization of multi-layer network performance to support end-customer services. It demands Ò°»¨ÉçÇø’s Navigator Network Control Suite (Navigator NCS).

Next-generation broadband network with an end-to-end network controller

Figure 2: Next-generation broadband network with an end-to-end network controller

Ò°»¨ÉçÇø’s Navigator NCS provides software control and automation of multi-layer networks throughout the entire operational lifecycle: network planning, device commissioning, service fulfillment, service assurance, utilization monitoring, and troubleshooting.

Network operators do not need to learn and navigate disparate tools for separate technology layers because they gain a unified interface across PON broadband access, optical, Ethernet, and IP infrastructure. Operational workflows can be completed quickly with Navigator NCS’ intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI) with open Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to enable intelligent, data-driven automation. Open REST APIs simplify integration with service providers' existing Operations Support System (OSS) and processes. Navigator NCS is also designed on an open, cloud-native microservices platform that is easy to deploy and integrate within any service provider’s holistic operational environment.

diagram showing Navigator NCS simplifies management of next-generation broadband infrastructure and services

Figure 3: Navigator NCS simplifies management of next-generation broadband infrastructure and services

Scalability of broadband access, without operational complexity

For broadband access, Navigator NCS supports the deployment, configuration and management of all the access infrastructure, including Ò°»¨ÉçÇø’s extensive router portfolio as OLTs hosts, Ò°»¨ÉçÇø XGS-PON uOLT pluggables, and Optical Network Units (ONUs). Navigator NCS provides a single point of control for PON service management, including configuration, visualization, alarm management and performance monitoring. Ò°»¨ÉçÇø's Broadband solution is highly modular and scalable allowing customers to start with a single XGS-PON pluggable in a router and grow to offer 256 XGS-PON ports or more by combining host and top-of-rack routers into what we call an ‘Aggregate Node’ for massive scale and XGS-PON port density. With Navigator MC’s Aggregate Node capability, network operators benefit from a layer of simplification and control across all the scalability the Ò°»¨ÉçÇø solution offers:  network operators can manage the multiple elements constituting an Aggregate Node as a single node, providing easy, consolidated management. Service providers can protect their investments by growing their network where they need it and when they need it by leveraging Ò°»¨ÉçÇø’s solution modularity without adding complexity.

For end-customer services, Navigator NCS offers ONU configuration automation, auto-discovery, single or multiple ONU firmware upgrades, and detailed performance monitoring. In keeping with the Ò°»¨ÉçÇø Broadband solution value-proposition of openness, Navigator NCS supports element and service management for 3rd party ONUs1.

Navigator NCS also works in conjunction with Ò°»¨ÉçÇø’s routing and switching portfolio capabilities to support the deployment and management of a rich ecosystem of network services, in addition to broadband services. Service providers can monetize their network by offering IP/MPLS and Ethernet services for enterprise and mobile 4G and/or 5G xHaul for mobile network operators, either directly or via the wholesale market.

For performance monitoring, Navigator NCS supports advanced functionalities allowing operators to collect, analyze and present system data from the managed PON OLT/ONU network elements by retrieving the on-demand real-time and historical key performance indicators (KPIs) for an OLT PON port, OLT Ethernet port, ONU uplink, optical power, and pluggable optics. It also enables retrieving PON diagnostic data from both ONU and OLT devices.

Ò°»¨ÉçÇø’s Navigator NCS management of PON infrastructure, services, subscribers

Figure 4 – Ò°»¨ÉçÇø’s Navigator NCS management of PON infrastructure, services, subscribers

Unified management of all broadband network components in a single interface

Moving to the middle-mile and core, Ò°»¨ÉçÇø’s Navigator NCS is the perfect tool to support next-generation IP/optical converged architecture by providing integrated planning and powerful analytics spanning network layers.

At all times, Navigator NCS offers a real-time, accurate view of the end-to-end broadband network and service topology and associated capacity, utilization, and performance metrics. This enables operators to plan and optimize multi-layer networks, whenever needed, to meet dynamic capacity and performance demands. Advanced analytics apps extract insights from the wealth of metrics generated by the network, and these insights drive well-informed operational actions that help optimizing network performance.

All told, the fully integrated Navigator Network Control Suite delivers intelligent multi-layer network control to network operations. With Navigator NCS, network operators looking to deploy a new broadband network, or evolve an existing network, have the following advantages:

Lower operating expenditures

  • One point of control for managing, controlling, and planning Ò°»¨ÉçÇø's Broadband solution infrastructure, as well as third-party routers or ONUs
  • Integrated, streamlined workflows throughout the lifecycle of network and service operations
  • A simplified user experience with auto-assist or full automation

Lower capital expenditures

  • Effective deployment of multi-layer infrastructure capacity, from access to the middle-mile and core, with shortened planning lead times
  • Optimal utilization of access, optical, and IP resources

Increased revenues and ROI

  • Ability to fulfill customer services rapidly
  • Fast turn-up of capacity and interconnect
  • Mining of latent capacity to add new services or protect existing high-value services
  • Quick troubleshooting of network and service issues, increasing customer satisfaction

Reliable, high-performance broadband is critical to socioeconomic development. As such, Ò°»¨ÉçÇø has created a modern Broadband solution with Navigator NCS providing the required control features to ensure the success of broadband service providers now and well into the future.

Navigator NCS paves your path to better broadband!

This previously published blog has been updated to reflect the latest trends in the industry and Ò°»¨ÉçÇø product developments.


1.  For information about the supported 3rd party ONU please contact your Ò°»¨ÉçÇø account.