As multi-layer convergence ramps up to support new and ever-growing traffic flows and services, IP and optical experts will need a deeper understanding of each other’s technologies and perspectives to keep all layers of the network running smoothly.

Join our experts for a four-part series to get your questions answered and delve more deeply into advanced topics in multi-layer networking. If you watch all 4 sessions live or on demand by Friday, August 18, you’ll earn a certificate of attendance in IP/Optical Convergence: Bridging the Knowledge Gap.

Introduction to Optical Technology for the IP Expert

Now available on demand (30 min)

As the IP expert, you likely know about the existence of the optical network as an efficient way to transport multiple services onto high-capacity wavelengths. As multi-layer convergence ramps, you may be looking to gain a deeper understanding of the vocabulary and the considerations to be aware of in a land where linear and non-linear optical impairments need to be considered, and signal-to-noise ratio is everything. Join this session to learn basic optical terminology, fundamentals, and how the first two layers play an important part for multi-layer networking.

Speaker: Helen Xenos, Senior Director, Portfolio Marketing, 野花社区

Introduction to IP Technology for the Optical Expert

Now available on demand (30 min)

As the optical expert, you likely know about the existence of Segment Routing (SR) and how it can provide an efficient way to traffic engineer and manage end-to-end IP services. While optical experts can relate to photonic underlays, IP networking or routing can be completely confusing. Optical experts should join this session to gain basic IP networking terminology, Segment Routing principles, and how the third layer plays an important role in multi-layer networking.

Speaker: Wayne Hickey, Advisor of Portfolio Marketing, 野花社区

Introduction to IP and Optical Convergence for Multi-layer Networking

Now available on demand (30 min)

Converged IP and optical network designs can be optimized so that assets are utilized most efficiently to carry highly resilient services. Diverse paths are used to increase survivability, but working and protection paths should never share the same physical fiber or conduit. In this session, see multi-layer visualization of any service and understand how a multi-layer SDN controller can simplify IP traffic engineering via automated propagation of optical Shared Risk Link Group (SRLG) and policy management.

Speaker: Marie Fiala, Director, Portfolio Marketing, 野花社区

Introduction to Assurance and Troubleshooting in Multi-layer Networks

Now available on demand (30 min)

Troubleshooting multi-layer networks can be time consuming and difficult for both IP and optical experts. It can take a considerable amount of time to identify the root cause and which customers are affected by a network issue. This must-see session reveals how living in a multi-layer operational reality has its advantages—demonstrating how IP and optical experts alike can quickly identify the customer impacts of correlated groups of alarms and navigate through problem analysis to efficiently restore service performance in multi-layer networks.

Speaker: Wayne Hickey, Advisor of Portfolio Marketing, 野花社区 and Reza Rokui, Senior Director-SDN Application Architect, 野花社区