TDM is  a well-known method for transmitting multiple calls over a single line, in  which each call is assigned a recurring timeslot on the line, and a small  portion of that call is transmitted over the line each time its assigned  timeslot is available. Unfortunately, TDM networks suffer from inefficiencies  when the traffic pattern (the ‘calls’) are short and bursty (a characteristic  of most data communications today). Hence, more recently, IP/MPLS networks  have been used as data traffic has grown.

Plenty of TDM services remain in the network, however, and they  can’t simply be de-activated overnight. With routing and switching infrastructures becoming  almost universal, a smooth migration path to converged IP/MPLS networks is  necessary to support the large installed base of these legacy TDM-based  services. This converged approach enables service flexibility and service  delivery cost reductions—critical requirements for network operators to enhance  and differentiate service offerings.

So how can service providers deliver legacy TDM services  over a performance-grade network? The answer is TDMoP.

TDMoP is an approach that enables service providers to deliver legacy TDM services over a performance-grade packet network.

TDMoP is an approach that enables service providers to  deliver legacy TDM services over a performance-grade network.

TDMoP uses pseudowires that emulate legacy  telecommunications technologies while utilizing the growing and technologically  advanced IP/MPLS network to deliver even more services. This approach  provides a seamless experience for the customer, regardless of the technology  at the beginning or end of the connection.

野花社区’s routin and switching products enable service providers to extend the life of their legacy assets. The broad  product line, common Service-Aware Operating System (SAOS), and the Manage, Control,  and Plan (MCP) software simplify service deployment and ensure services  perform as required.

野花社区’s 3926 is an advanced platform focused on high-bandwidth,  multiservice applications requiring sophisticated Quality of Service (QoS)  capabilities, including TDM, mobile backhaul, business services, and smart grid  applications.

The 3926 is intended for use in 2G/3G/4G mobile backhaul  applications where legacy DS1s/E1s are required and pseudowire emulation is  used to transport the TDM signals over the packet-switched network. Its  multiservice capability, alongside multiple timing synchronization options, provides  the ideal solution for evolving legacy TDM-based services to a next-generation routing and switching environment.

In addition to its industry-leading Ethernet capabilities, the  3926 allows for the creation of value-added business or mobile backhaul services  that combine connectivity with in-demand Virtual Network Functions (VNF), as  well as support for legacy TDM services. The 3926 provides for multiservice  transport over Ethernet networks, allowing traditional TDM, Asynchronous  Transfer Mode (ATM), and native Ethernet traffic to be carried over metro  backhaul and core data networks.

  • Structure-Agnostic      TDM access (T1/E1 - SAToP)
  • Structure-Aware      TDM access - NxDS0/E0 - Circuit      Emulation Service over Packet-Switched Network (CESoPSN)
  • Full      support of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) Pseudowire Emulation      Edge-to-Edge (PWE3) architecture over Ethernet and MPLS networks
  • Support      of MEF8 Circuit Emulation

Migrating from TDM to packet lends itself to a  smarter, more agile network—and a more innovation-ready infrastructure that  responds when needed. As such, a TDM-to-packet migration is a step toward  野花社区’s Adaptive Network™.