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White Paper

Verizon, Ò°»¨ÉçÇø and Network Modernization

With Ò°»¨ÉçÇø, Verizon was able to build a parallel network — minimizing disruptions and reducing risk to end users — that was less ...

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It's time for a new interconnection model for the ...

Today, connectivity and cloud onramps are typically offered in fixed bandwidths, and the workloads get bound by the provisioned b ...

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What could a cloud-era network mean for you?

With the rapidly rising tide of data and applications, enterprises are increasingly turning to the cloud for scalable solutions. ...

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White Paper

Heavy Reading: The Transformation Choice - Data C ...

As the explosion of data continues, distributed cloud-native applications will dictate how and where data centers are built and d ...

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White Paper

A Model for Business Case Analysis of C/L-band Ne ...

This white paper presents a model for the analysis of C/L-band business cases, with the objective of enabling network operators

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The evolving coherent optical networking landscap ...

Ò°»¨ÉçÇø’s Helen Xenos explains how network providers are now at an inflection point and must evaluate innovative approaches to elev ...

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5 Ways DCI Growth is Driving New Innovations in T ...

New technologies and capabilities, driven by data center interconnect (DCI) applications and capacity growth, are now available. ...

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Infographics and posters

Keeping pace in an age of soaring demand

Bandwidth demand is exploding. How do content providers keep pace?

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Fiber Deep: Getting More Bandwidth to the Edge

In this webinar, Ò°»¨ÉçÇø will share key insights on how to push fiber closer to subscribers to optimize scalability, maximize capac ...

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Press Release

UK’s Jisc Delivers World’s First 400G National Re ...

Jisc is deploying Ò°»¨ÉçÇø’s 6500 packet-optical platform powered by WaveLogic Ai coherent optics to provide unprecedented high-capa ...

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Cable Operators find new opportunities with comme ...

Businesses crave gigabit services and Cable Operators are poised to deliver. That was the key takeaway from the annual Light Read ...

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Press Release

Ò°»¨ÉçÇø to Showcase the Network of the Future at SC ...

Powerful optical technology and Blue Planet software drive network automation and programmability

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Ò°»¨ÉçÇø Insights Podcast: Episode 2 - Episode 2: Ba ...

Ò°»¨ÉçÇø’s Daniele Loffreda about digital education in general – how schools can provide it, the tech investments they need to make ...

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Next-Gen OTT Video-Services' Massive Impact on Ne ...

OTT has fundamentally changed the cable and video industry. Is your network agile and flexible enough for the on-demand world of ...

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Are You Ready for the DOCSIS Impact on Fiber?

DOCSIS 3.1 is 10 times faster than 3.0 but this added speed brings challenges. Find out the how it will impact fiber deployments ...

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3 Take-Aways from the Content Delivery Summit

Discover the hot topics from last week's Content Delivery Summit in New York.

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3 Key Video Transport Innovation Trends We Heard ...

At last week’s National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) Show in Las Vegas, innovation was a consistent theme. Ò°»¨ÉçÇø’s Paulina G ...

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Coming Soon: A Data Center Near You

As more and more traffic traverses between data centers and end users due to mega-trends like OTT and cloud computing, the data c ...

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White Paper

Cable in 2020: Agile and Closer to the User

Cable Multiple System Operators (MSOs) are content-driven businesses currently seeing new and broad opportunities for expansion.

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Understanding the differences between virtual rea ...

Ò°»¨ÉçÇø's Loudon Blair explains what virtual reality, augmented reality, and mixed reality are in relation to each other, as well a ...

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Optical Networks: Evaluating Your Options in an O ...

This webinar provides an overview of different architectures and approaches for next-generation optical network design including ...

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White Paper

Four Things to Know about Peering Connectivity

This paper explains how the ability to securely deliver high-quality video makes peering connectivity an attractive alternative f ...

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White Paper

Five Data Center Federation Factors to Help Prepa ...

A Data Center Federation (DCF) can make a pivotal difference in helping to keep content and data consumers working, playing, and ...

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Will Netflix Eat Europe’s Bandwidth Alive?

Netflix’s recent rollout in six European countries is now expanding further, with the announcement of Italy, Portugal and Spain a ...

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